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Apple Harvester

A versatile orchard machine.
The Apple Harvester orchard machine is an excellent tool for all seasons.
As well as organising your harvesting work, it significantly increases the picking perfor- mance of your pickers. It also makes your pruning, thinning and hail net work as efficient as possible!
This unique machine has platforms which enable your pickers to work at all levels of the tree without using ladders. This means that all the risks associated with ladder work are eliminated for good!

Easy to operate.
The Apple Harvester is a simple but very functional and well thought through machine which is easy to understand and operate. As a result, new picking crews can start work- ing with it immediately after a brief introduction!

Working with the Apple Harvester allows you to save up to 50% on your harvesting bill and up to 35% on your pruning and thinning bill!

The only activity carried out by the pickers working with the Apple Harvester is picking fruit, which they put on small conveyor belts. The rest of the pro- cess of getting the fruit into the bin is carried out by the Apple Harvester itself. This way the pickers do not waste time.

Fruit quality.
Apples, pears, etc. harvested with the Apple Harvester reduce the bruised fruit percentage significantly by at least 50%!

The Apple Harvester is known for its:
•Low running costs: 0,5 litres of petrol per hour!
•Low maintenance costs: Oil, filters and consumables
•Longevity: Over 95% of machines sold 25 years ago are still running, resul- ting in a high resale value!
Apple Harvester fruit harvesters are EU approve,d which means that they have been designed and manufactured in accordance with EU regulations.
Continuous improvements to the machine’s workability, efficiency, durability and safety ensure that fruit growers are always guaran- teed outstanding orchard machines.

A compact, agile machine which is designed to operate in hilly, sandy and stony conditions.
4 - 6 people can pick fruit from the ground and from the 2 platforms on the 4 conveyor belts. (option of 6 conveyor belts) Suitable for row spacings of 2.50 to 4.50 metres and tree heights up to 3.30 metres.

Bin trailer
The simple but extremely practical “all terrain” bin trailer can carry up to 16 bins.
It has 4 castors and the bins can be lifted with a manual or electrically operated pump. The bin trailer is high enough to pass over the full bins.